
To the extent a name or logo does not appear on this list does not constitute a waiver of any and all intellectual property rights that The Endurance Group or its subsidiaries has established in any of its product, feature, or service names or logos.

Endurance Land ®
Endurance ®
Endurance Land

Law and jurisdiction

These terms of use will be governed by and construed in accordance with English law, and any disputes relating to these terms of use will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

Registrations and authorisations

We are registered at Companies House as Endurance Land LLP. Our registration number is OC423702. Our registered office is 138 Cheapside, London EC2V 6BJ.

We are registered with the Trades Marks Registry under the Trade Marks Act 1994. This does not constitute the full list – you can inspect the online version of the register at here our marks have been registered as a series of marks under Nos. UK0002488910AUK0002488910BUK0002488910CUK0002488910D.

We are registered with the RICS. Our professional title is Endurance Land LLP and it has been granted in the United Kingdom. We are subject to the RICS regulations and subscribe to the RICS code of conduct. This code can be consulted electronically at